Did you even read the article? There you go dodging the 250 Million People Question. You say American Leadership when that is not what the article says. It says that Americans are drugged out idiots who are being manipulated because they are all on drugs. Is this what you believe or do you really believe there are 250 Million innocent Americans less a handful of criminals that belong to the crime families all over the world? The KGB in the article leads the reader from health info and into the land of Anti-American gingles by KGB sources. Again you dodge the fact that the article imples that "Americans" are souless drugged zombies and not the smaller number you will admit to. It is easy to see how you got there but if you want to stay there then at least be honest about it. If you agree with the argument in the article then you are "Anti-American" not "Anti-American Leadership." Check your logic at the door if you want but it not getting past me. My original post was that this article is propaganda and should be in the Conspiracy Forum unless the stance of CureZone is;
Whatever the events of the world’s future may be, this we must know now, the America that used to be is no more, in its place now stands the most terrifying, soulless and barbaric regime the World has ever seen." Ask a Chinese or Russian Russian Political Prisoner if they believe that statement is true.