This post belongs in the Conspiracy Forum or Anti-American Forum
The best propaganda flirts with truth but look to the end of this article to find the true agenda of the author;
"Whatever the events of the world’s future may be, this we must know now, the America that used to be is no more, in its place now stands the most terrifying, soulless and barbaric regime the World has ever seen.?
Accusing a whole people of soulessness is nothing more than promoting war and a form of xenophobia. What a tragedy it is to have a little bit knowledge and a lot of hate. This Communist propagana piece should be read carefully to understand its agenda.
There is such a thing as Attention Defecit-A lack of focus and ability to remain on task. That said, it should not be treated by drugs. Not taking vaccinations, avoiding television, sugary foods and cleaning products with chemicals could help but if you do everything right and you still can not stay on task, that is okay. It is okay to be different...but to indict a whole nation as souless make me believe this person has some liver issues to deal with.