22 y
Re: America, You’ve Been Warned About Vaccines!
I laughted when I read "in my humble opinion..." towards the end of your letter, for I deteced no humility anywhere in it, only the air of superiority; Oh, how much better the world would be, if only us lazy, dumb folk would listen to you. Do you really hope to educate or influence people to your views by trying to guilt trip them? Have YOU ever learned anything because someone lectured and guilted YOU? If this letter is any indication of the style in which you've been trying to teach people, you probably don't have much of a following. You did state that the vote fell short by 5 votes at 52/47. The thing to do then, is to acknowledge that a lot of people were against the bill. There are a lot of serious issues in this world,(including this one) being attended to by folks who also have bigtime job, family, and financial pressures. You're not the only one out there trying to fight the worthy fight. Yes, unfortunately, there are many millions of people who are brainwashed by the status quo, or too mesmerized by TV to have an origional thought. In my not so humble opinion, LOL, the best thing you could do if you want to have great effect in this world, is to understand that you've a better chance of converting thought through intelligent, compassionate discourse than through browbeating. This letter of yours didn't make it, pal. I didn't find it informative at all.
Why not state the facts as you perceive them in a clear straightforward manner; and nix the finger pointing? Remember -Whenever you point the finger at another, there are three more pointing back at you.