Re: I Have exzema for 4years now since iwas 15
Burt's Bees Baby Bee Buttermilk Lotion (for sensitive skin of all ages) is a natural lotion that cleared up my niece's severe (total body) eczema breakout in two weeks. You can find the lotion at Whole Foods grocery stores. It cost $8.00 for the 7oz. bottle. The lotion works for adults as well. Try a sample on a small area to test for allergens to it, before purchasing the whole bottle.
Eczema skin is severely dehydrated skin. The moisture barrier in your skin is the skin's defense against harmful irritants or allergens. Because the moisture barrier in your skin is depleted, you've become vulnerable or sensitive to allergic breakout. DRINKING MORE WATER will restore your skin's moisture barrier, rehydrate the skin, and aide in flushing out harmful toxins that infect the body. Because many soaps dry out the skin, you should consider switching to a natural soap or liquid wash. Your local health food store provides a variety of options for your choosing. Moisturizing your skin immediately after you shower is important in order to retain the skin's moisture.
I know your frustration, but your situation is not hopeless. Understanding the message that your body is sending and addressing it instead of suppressing it will bring you the relief that you've been desiring. The steroid medications prescribed by the doctors suppress the symptoms as a form of treatment. It provides temporary relief, but longterm frustration because the source of the symptom hasn't been addressed. Replenishing the moisture to those areas of dehydration (especially your legs) will answer your skin's need for rehydration. Finding the vitamin enriched moisturizer that works with your skin's natural healing process will be of great benefit. A ginseng moisturizer may be a good option for you; as well as moisturizers with vitamin E and aloe (healing vitamins and herbs).
We've experienced eczema free skin for 4 years now and I know that you can be healed of eczema as well. Each eczema sufferer is different; therefore finding the moisturizing regimen that works for you will be specific to you. INTERNAL, EXTERNAL, AND FOREIGN are the factors that need to be addressed in order to successfully heal the skin of the eczema. It simply means that you must strengthen and restore balance to your immune system, rehydrate the severely dehydrated skin by moisturizing with a steroid free lotion, and identify your particular allergen so that you can rid it from your environment when possible. Identifying your allergen and ridding it from your environment could be as simple as changing soaps or detergents.
We pursued our healing and we found it. I know that you can too.