Re: I Have exzema for 4years now since iwas 15
I have something that will work for you. It's call RELIV and check out the stories. Please Please get on these products I have hundreds of stories just like these. Email me at
Marla Joy
Hello! I am 48 years old and have had eczema since infancy. After using the products for six months my ezcema is completely gone. I also had trouble with my feet cracking and bleeding, that has cleared up as well.
I didn't get there name but I can.
My daughter had suffered for four years on and off with eczema and nothing seemed to help until Reliv came to our life. Classic and Innerjize was the miracle.
Our 11 year old son had eczema for years, he went on the Kids now and ennergize and after only 3 weeks had tremendous results! So great that our entire family got on reliv and we are loving it!