I would be very wary of anything you read on the QuackWatch site or by Stephen Barrett (sp?). There was a thread of posts on one of these forums a couple of months ago debating him. Someone provided evidence (links) that Stephen Barrett had tried to take a few alternative health practitioners to court. The end result was that Stephen Barrett went down in flames. He seems to have an agenda, and it doesn't seem to be to help people.
The cleansing protocols that you find on this site will help you, they're not dangerous. The medical profession has an agenda to make us afraid of these protocols because they lose money when we become healthy. It's quite simple actually.
Just take things slowly so that you feel comfortable with what you're doing and try to get rid of the fear! Once you've cleansed a bit, you'll feel great, be comfortable and feel like a pro! You'll be back here posting suggestions for others! Remember people have been cleansing for thousands of years. Animals intuitively know how to cleanse themselves. We've just become out of touch.