Re: Global Parasitic infections reaching epidimic proportions!!!
Hi: I agree with a lot of what you say. There's not enough spent on research into new safe treatments with new research in ridding humanity of a vast range of parasites. In fact we may as well be back 50 years or more when it comes to the use of parasitic medication, most of which are toxic to humans and possibly more than the actual infection itself in some cases. And, there's no sure guarantee of success in eradicating these infections in the long term as many lay dormant in the system ready to flare up again in relation to their stages and cycles. There is slight talk of research into a new generation of parasitic drugs being looked into! Drugs like Albenzadole, Mebendazole, DEC, Ivermectin and Sumarin (the latter being a killer) with some of these in use by the medical profession for at least 15 years or more. The more I study and research, like yourself, into the diverse world of
parasites I sometimes feel they are more highly evolved than us! They certainly adapt at everything they encroach on. You would reckon in this century, 2003, that by now humankind had come up with some sort of clinical or other defense from most of the
parasite kingdom. Best of health to you..... Diana