i'm just curious as to what the breaking point will be for the american people. what if the unemployment rate climbs up to 15, even 20%? what if medicare and medicaid was booted completely? what if gas prices rose to $5/gallon, as they are most all over europe? what if martial law is imposed, and no one is allowed outside after dark? i mean, how much further does this have to go, and will there just be an election where the current administration is voted out peacefully, or are we going to have to have a revolution on our hands? does the average american even secretly think about these things, or are they afraid it would be "unpatriotic"? it's like the father beating the tar out of his child for stealing a cookie out of the cookie jar, then telling him that "this hurts me more that it hurts you" and "i'm only doing this because i love you". when will america wake up and realize daddy doesn't love them anymore, and none of this is for their own good? enough already!!! it sickens me to think that "freedom" has become synonymous with actually GIVING UP freedom. seeing all the benefits that bush is reaping post-9/11, it's tough to believe that he had nothing to do with its orchestration. after all, had 9/11 never occurred, his powers wouldn't have amounted to a fraction of what they currently are. why are we so lame?