Hi there Spicysandia,
Just got up - first morning - drinking my lemonade.... brings back memories. No, I didn't do any parasite stuff last time - it was kind of complicated enough without adding more things. Also, it's quite hard to get hold of some of the stuff in London. It took me long enough tracking down maple syrup. I took psyllium but not Bentonite - I couldn't find that and anyway, someone wrote quite a scary post on one of the other boards (bowel cleanse, I think) about Bentonite being dangerous - that was enough of an excuse for me.. Anyway - I got ropes, though it took me 8 days to get there, so hopefully you will as well. But the main reason I'm doing this is to get regular cos I'm constantly bunged up and fed up with it. Dunno what the matter is - just always been slow!!
Good luck - I'll pop in again this evening and might try a salt water flush then as well - push the boat out!!
Best wishes