Re: Candida Buster kit vs Nyastin
The main difference between the two is that the Candida Buster kit is a natural remedy, while nystatin is a prescription drug ( well, anyhow, here in Canada it is).
I have used both with good results.
Maybe my story will give you some insights.
About 10 years ago, when I first found out I had candida, I went on a strict diet and a protocol that included bentonite/ caprylic acid/ psyllium/ acidophilus. (Inno-vite had not packaged it then, but the ingredients were and still are individually available; check it out; you may save yourself some money, most definitely on the psyllium husks. Buying the package, however, is very convenient). I was in very very bad condition then. I also did vegetable juice fasts and
colonics to cleanse myself. After about 1/2 year of fighting the candida problem with the above method and having only marginal results, I decided to go on nystatin. Can't remember for how long I took it, but the nystatin really helped! My brain fog lifted, allergies improved, no more diarrhea, no more vaginal yeast infections, no more bloating and gas pains, I felt energized and alive! What a relief!
For maintenance I still watched my diet, although was more relaxed about it, and kept taking acidophilus in large quantities.
For about three to four years I felt I had the candida problem under control. But then candida returned, except that I did not allow myself to get as bad as before. This time I chose the bentonite/ caprol/ etc. treatment, and also took a homeopathic remedy against candida, prescribed by a naturopathic doctor. This approch was quite successful. Was it because my condition was not as severe as before? I do not know.
For maintenance, I keep taking a liquid lactobacillus acidophilus, bifidus, etc. combination, and may get back on the homeopathic remedy, when I notice the smallest signs of candida problems returning.
Hope this was helpful. Wishing you success with whichever approach you decide on!