Have a myriad of places to dialoge and study amoungst themselves. Since most of the research money comes from special interest and big-pharm there ins't alot of money in the lowly natural "stuff."
Also, if any of those groups where interested in the lowly opinion of the uneducated masses they could easily set up something just like this to have people tell *them* instead of them telling us.
It takes a doctor 8 SECONDS into an examine to interupt a patient. 8 seconds. The doctors, researchers and other scientists could find out alot by LISTENING to people instead of just thinking they know best.
And *I* like my doctor. But I will ignore my doctor on things I know they are NOT informed on. "take TUMS for calcium" "nurse every 4 hours" etc etc. The one day on nutrition and vitamins does not an informed person make. Calcium from TUMS - it still makes me shake my head.