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Be Nice
Blue Stone Views: 2,146
Published: 20 y
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Be Nice

Chaz, please be nice.

We need him here in order to study first hand how indoctrination occurs. Think of this as an anthropological/sociological study. We have in our midst a real living, breathing representative of corporate Science (science for hire) who may be able to give us an inside look at how people allow themself to get swallowed up into a system that is responisble for the 3rd leading cause of death in America alone, under the guise of being health care system. How does one feel choosing such an ironic career?

We can ask all kinds of interesting question to learn more.

Such as how often do pharamceutical companies give all expense paid vacations (or even weekends) to Doctors, etc?

Why are people experimented on in drug trials (in order for pharma companies to maximize their profits)?

Why are therapies such as Gerson not used when they have been proven to work?

Why are there so many manipulated pharmaceutical studies?

Why is nutrition (preventative medicine) not emphasized in medical training?

Why are profit margins on drugs ao unreasonably high?

Why are drugs necesary? Do we live in an imperfect world, or are we doing something wrong that may be preventable?

Are you aware of the political structure of the AMA and who sits on those boards?

Are you aware of how the AMA was set up in the first place, who set it up and why?

Think up some good questions to ask him. I am sure *he* would like to answer as many as you can think up.

To join those ranks it takes a special breed, so this truely is a rare opportunity to dialogue with a person who is part of this seld perpetuating power structure.

Chaz, please be nice.

We need him here in order to study first hand how indoctrination occurs. Think of this as an anthropological/sociological study. We have in our midst a real living, breathing representative of corporate Science (science for hire) who may be able to give us an isnide look at how people allow themself to get swallowed up into a system that is responisble for the 3rd leading cause of death in America alone, under the guise of being health care system. How does one feel choosing such an ironic career?

We can ask all kinds of interesting question to learn more.

Such as how often do pharamceutical companies give all expense paid vacations (or even weekends) to Doctors, etc?

Why are people experimented on in drug trials (in order for pharma companies to maximize their profits)?

Why are therapies such as Gerson not used when they have been proven to work?

Why are there so many manipulated pharmaceutical studies?

Why is nutrition (preventative medicine) not emphasized in medical training?

Why are profit margins on drugs ao unreasonably high?

Why are drugs necesary? Do we live in an imperfect world, or are we doing something wrong that may be preventable?

Are you aware of the political structure of the AMA and who sits on those boards?

Are you aware of how the AMA was set up in the first place, who set it up and why?

Think up some good questions to ask him. I am sure *he* would like to answer as many as you can think up.

To join those ranks it takes a special breed, so this truely is a rare opportunity to dialogue with a person who is part of this seld perpetuating power structure.


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