"No country has banned freedom of opinion yet"
Ahhh because most of it is controlled by mainstream media. Who owns most of the medium or should I say "mud"ium? What is their message? The message is leading us. The message is designed to control, manipulate and bring about conformity.
Ever see the death trails left behind by some powerful politicians who, for various reasons, need their opposers silenced, only to be followed up by the usual media wash over? Freedom of opion is dealt with in many ways, and yes there are many people in the world rotting or who have rotted in jails for their opinions.
Of course there are also those agents who are paid big bucks to troll various websites in an attempt to contol the flow of information. Plantng seeds of doubt, etc. Perhaps you know what I am talking about?
"its a shame that freedom of opinion allows moronic opinions to be held but there you go!"
This may be a saving grace for *many* close minded people with mediocre minds who just haven't had an epiphemy yet or haven't learned the difference between knowledge and wisdom. Think about it this way. We don't give up on children who can't yet walk. Nor should we. Those who are in a pattern of constantly expanding their awareness know this, so take solice in the fact that you too will never be given up on. That is a promise!
"No country has banned freedom of opinion yet"
Ahhh because most of it is controlled by mainstream media. Who owns most of the medium or should I say "mud"ium? What is their message? The message is conformity.
Ever see the death trails left behind by some powerful politicians who, for various reasons, need their opposers silenced, only to be followed up by the usual media wash over? Freedom of opion is dealt with in many ways, and yes there are many people in the world rotting or who have rotted in jails for their opinions.
"its a shame that freedom of opinion allows moronic opinions to be held but there you go!"/
This may be a saving grace for *many* close minded people with mediocre minds who just haven't had an epiphemy yet. Think about it this way. We don't give up on children who can't yet walk. Nor should we. Those who are in a pattern of constantly expanding their awareness know this, so take solice in the fact that you too will never be given up on. That is a promise!