I can see how someone who is looking for a light at the end of the tunnel could overreact to somone saying they don't believe in their healing modality and that doesn't make it right. Anger is not a good mental exercise to be going through while trying to recover from serious health issues. I see your point but half of the battle for someone fighting cancer, AIDS, or IBS is mental. I think it is interesting that 75% of heart attacks occur while the victim is angry... I wonder how many other dis-eases are affected by anger. There is a lot going on topside. Our brains are one big chemical factory and when we are trying to overcome a serious illness, our brain chemical factory is taking orders and we need our bodies to be focusing on healing. Critical thinking has its place but when we are looking to find heaaling perhaps these Support Forums are like a refuge for many from doubt and disbelief. People who are seriously ill who come to CureZone wouldn't be here if they did everything right and we are all a work in progress. Perhaps you could forgive the rudeness if you could keep that in mind? Perhaps if you asked questions instead of making critical statements then there might be less negative reactions to your posts?