Re: not much I can do /use your alert buttons/ read rule inside
I am aware of the MLM rules and thank you for the response. I am also aware that this is a SUPPORT FORUM and NOT a debate or bashing forum.
Again, I will say that the hatred and debate/battling attitudes that are mostly being expressed by Duane, Trapper, and Uncas, are breaking the rules. It must come to a stop.
I will notify you of any violations and will thank you in advance for not being biased or showing favoritism. I do ask you to please strictly enforce these guidelines, regarding debating and hatred and we will help in anyway possible. Thank you Ami and all who donate their time. We are here to help also and do donate our time as well.
Forum Rules :
Support Forums
If it is a troll, it gets deleted:
If it promotes the Quackwatch agenda (quackwatch troll), it gets deleted. Dr. Barrett of Quackwatch criticize "quacks" for picking and choosing the research or publications they will use to support their claims. The exact same description of Quackwatch could be applied. Dr. Barrett has picked the information he will believe and slammed any he doesn't believe. This selectivity is not "scientific" at all.
If it is trying to spin conflicting information, if it is questioning in an insincere manner, if it is divisive and argumentative, flaming discussion, it gets deleted. Nobody likes people coming to the forums and wasting people's valuable time with insincere questions and need-to-be-right attitudes.
If it slanderously or libelously attacks unfounded ("Dr Schulze kills people!"), it gets deleted.
If it's a vicious personal attack ("You ignorant bottom dwelling pond scum"), it gets deleted.
CureZone Forums are intended for support!
Avoid sending unsupportive messages!
Why do some members get blocked?
By default, all curezone members have the equal posting privilege, but ...
If you are "trolling" or abusing
Support Forums , you get blocked.
If you are abusing
Debate Forums , you get blocked.
If you repeatedly ignore rules listed on this page, you get blocked.
If you are sending unsupportive messages to a support forum, you get blocked.
If you are inflaming discussion on a support forum, you get blocked.