Re: where to place the ball for sciatica
I sure wish I could show it to you, but let's see if I can explain it better.
If you know where to locate the sciatica, start there; you'll know that you have found the right area when it hurts! ( Sorry). Then work from there to surrounding sensitive areas.
Or else find the center of the butt cheek on the side of the body where the pain is, this should be a fleshy area, surrounded by boney areas. I usually support myself on the elbow of the same side where I want to treat the butt, then place the tennis ball between the center of that cheek and the floor, let my weight sink into the ball for a few breaths, then move to a neighboring spot etc. Experiment a little, soon you'll recognice the spots that are most sensitive. I also work outward towards the hip ( leaning more on the side), even a little down the ouside of the leg, but here it becomes a real balancing act. For pain along the outside of the leg shooting down towards the knee, it's easier to apply pressure with the fingers.
Good luck, do it daily, soon you'll find it's getting better, and one day it will be gone alltogether. Important to watch food intake and do cleanses so it does not return...