I had that awful sciatic pain ever since I was pregnant with my second child. I had gone to the chiro, and was releived somewhat. Once.
After she was born, I twisted my back and have had sciatic pain ever since. It was always there, but somehow I got used to it. Strange that we actually learn to live with pain, but I did. After my gb attack, I tried the gb flush and let me tell you, ever since the very next day, I have never had sciatic nerve pain again. NEVER!! NOT ONCE!! It's like a huge rock has been lifted off of my back. I can twist and turn like never before. Some people may think it's all in my mind, but I tell you I had that pain everyday for 4 years. Now it's gone. I don't think that is a coincidence. I think it's a freaking flushing miracle!! LOL
Mrs. Ev