I checked out Dr. Richard Andersen's website and found a lot of useful information. I also checked out the Arise and Shine website where I found "The Cleanse Thyself Program Guide" developed by Dr. Andersen. It has information about all the different phases of cleansing; mildest, gentle, power and master with instructions for each. Thanks for the information Simon.
His cleansing program includes his herbal formulas.
My question is, can other products work just as well? Also I get the impression from what I've read that I should do a
Colon Cleanse before attempting another GB/L cleanse. Is this right? That may be the reason I feel so awful.
Thanks Marg for your encouragement and information. I really want to be well and I realize now that it is going to take a lot of work. I just need to know where to start.
I know I also need to do the
parasite cleanse. Can this be done at the same time as the Colon Cleanse?
Hope someone can answer my questions.
Thanks, Pauline