yes we wish they would disarm but the country calling for their disarming just keeps selling them old tech military equiptment. Notice how the country bulling these other nations makes excuses for attacking previous allies in the name of "freedom and liberation" and will install the american righteous ideals in them at the point of a gun. If they refuse we will shoot them. All the while praying with our troops for the enemys souls before we blow them to bits. In addition we will kill our own people who stand up to these injustices and call them lefty pinko commies. So the killing will continue not only of those idiots who buy american military hardware but those who have their own minds. Kill, kill,kill all in the name of Jesus or Lord and Saviour. Come let us pray before we kill our own people in the name of Jesus. We will no longer tolerate terrorists!!! good... so when do you get rid of the BUSH clan and set in operation "freedom america"? ("who can make war with the Beast?" REV) Kill, Kill in the cloak of christianity ... Isnt that what the Jesuits are doing all over the world? All patriotic saints kill kill all the other 5.5 billion or more people who don't like us or disagree with us. Let's have a blood bath we got the military means to do it and the corrupt government to go along. We will make the Nazis look like the Vienna's boys choir. THANK GOD he will act when these NAZIS start killing GODS people and then we will see how GOD makes war with America. WATCH OUT NAZI'S you can run but you can't hide. 40lb hailstones will make Americas military might crumble in seconds. Perhaps that's why they are vainly trying to build underground citys? Ha silly a 9+ earth quake should demolish anything below the gound. How silly. GODS law states "Thou shalt not kill", "and the ( 1st beast Rome, powered by the second beast America) cast the truth down to the ground and it prospered", Americas law states the government tells you "thou shalt kill" GOD says they "hav(e)ing a form of godliness but denying the power there of" their true color is coming forth and the Beast will arise in so much as "the whole world follows and wonders" but it will be a short life im afraid.....