So,..."the evil, America-hating bastards should be picked up by the hair on their head, handcuffed, and thrown head-first into a jail cell. And if the overcrowded cell should happen to stink from their own blood, sweat, and vomit, hand a few mops to the ACLU and let them clean up the mess." nice! I see the freedom lovin' rednecks are not fighting for the rights of free speech and a fair justice system. they prefer the nazi style of enforced uniformity and brutality. how american? accusing everyone who disagrees with a government run by extreme right wing chicken hawks of being anti-american is such a weak and false claim. perhaps they see beyond the kneejerk rush to violent revenge toward a country incorrectly blamed for 9/11, and foreseeing all the possible negative ramifications for peace , security and world co-operation, they correctly label this a blunder, yet still love the u.s.a. for what it was, and what it could be. if you invade every country guilty of torture and destroy the infrastructure and terrorize the civilians...this world will soon be one smoking ball of fear and loathing.....if saddam was convicted by the world court and sentenced to die and a 10 billion dollar reward was offered...perhaps he could be eliminated without all this bloodshed...but that wouldn't give bush automatic control of the oil, would it?