Has anyone ever heard of getting a food intolerance like celiac disease from candidia yeast problem. It did not develop until I was on the Atkins diet. Now every time I eat, approx. 2 hours later I have a tremendous amount of pain in my gut and belching constantly for up to 45 min. I've been on a non-gluten lactose free diet for 3 months and I am still having problems with pain and gas. In addition, I have rectum itching. I also have numerous canker sores in my mouth. My husband is thinking it could be candidia. I am 43 years old and had a hysterectomy 10 years ago because of cysts. I was on estrace for years until my food intolerance emerged, now I am on nothing. I am also experiencing the worst hot flashes. Does anyone out there have any advice, I just started taking prim rose, acidolpholus, Garlic pills is there any thing I'm missing? Thank you so much