My name is Charles Partito I am a N.D. and the owner of EJUVA intestinal cleanse. Never, but never consume Bentonite!!!!!!!!!! Our labs have proven that betonite ( clay or dirt as we call it ) contains no less then 22% Aluminum. Dirt is also enzynamically dead ( inorganic ) costing the body in vitamins, enzymes, minerals and energy to exspel this toxic dirt or liquid from your body. If coffee is bad to drink guess what is way worse to use it as an enama. When you drink it is nutralized by the body in stomach ect. When you put this poison in the other way it is not nutrilized in anyway (wreaking havoc inside your body ). Coffee enamas' will produce a result but at a huge cost to your body ( not worth it ). In fact the pain you felt on your right side was your Liver. If the P your consuming has been sterolized ( gassed or heated ) 99.9999 has. It's not worth consuming, when you sterolize an herb you change the "signature" of that herb. This is why we find inflammed bowels of nearly everyone who consumes sterolized P. Check out
Warm Regards,
Charles Partito N.D.
Certified Nutritioal Counselor by the College of Natual Health
Malabar Formulas
Country Comfort Herbal Savyy's
EJUVA intestinal cleanse