I hope in my heart that you can learn to love your self and come to terms with your trauma.Beleive me when i say i understand.Telling yor family will be hard,firstly because your loved ones and family will feel as though they let you down and secondly because you begin to protect them from the horror you are experiencing.In saying this only you know how you feel sometimes things need addressing and this is one of those times.Without a doubt the only way your offender will not reoffend is if there dead,are they?My advice to you is see your GP and ask for counciling,hopefully this would give you the strength to tell your family.I waited 23 years to tell my family they were shiocked and horrified and wanted to kill.The thing is i never reported it, so the beast is still out there somewhere.You should in my opinion see the police you never know the may have had other complaints about the offender in which case they should take it seriously and if they hav'nt got anything on this offender they soon will have.Best of luck on what ever you decide and if you ever just need to chat thats fine too.I wish i could help remove your dark blanket to let you breathe again,be strong my freind be strong