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Re: Hamstrings AND inner thigh
MentalNomad Views: 4,349
Published: 21 y
This is a reply to # 565,176

Re: Hamstrings AND inner thigh

Lol, I was trying to remember who posted the article--that's too funny. :)
I was taking MSM for several reasons, but as a side effect it really helped my muscles, helped my whiplash and I never got sore from lifting weights anymore like I usually do. MSM is supposed to supply your cells with good nutrition I guess you'd call it to turn damaged cells into healthy cells. I was hoping it would help my liver, since that is my main problem, but it seemed to start working on little things first! :) Yeah, I would recommend the MSM, good stuff. My body also felt stronger while I was taking it.
You take coconut oil right? That should help "lubricate" muscles to make them more flexible. At your gym do they have a sauna or FIR? You can get in one of those then stretch after you get out, it is amazing how far you can go when your muscles are nice and warm! Little by little that will lengthen and lessen the tightness in the muscles as well. Well, I just went to the Chiropractor yesterday and I'm supposed to be staying OFF the computer!!! :) It's like it has this draw...


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