Re: Raped at age 5
Hi I am a twenty four year old male. I was abused by both my parents. I did a lot of hiding behind drugs and booze, but let me tell you, that didn't help in the long run. It's easier to run and hide, to numb up, but it's not best. What worked for me, and it is still a long run of pain, but it's not as bad now, is this. There is a book called
The Places That Scare You A guide to fearlessness in diffucult times. It's by PEMA CHODRON. That book saved my life. It is difficult to face, I know, but facing the problem is best. Please read this book and keep an open heart and an open mind. It is a book of faith, but mostly it is a book about becoming friends with yourself and on how to beging the proccess of healing. I would also suggest a tattoo. This is why. No matter what else anyone has ever done to you, if you get this done, it will be your choice, and a reminded that you are in control of your life now. I have two, both Chinese sybols, and every day when I look at them I am reminded of who I am. I never thought that a little ink could be so important. If you do get one, I suggest it not be visible. Throw on a tee shirt and it's covered up. This might sound like strange advice, but it has helped me.