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chinamario Views: 2,548
Published: 21 y
This is a reply to # 564,794


You and that Rappaport fella' need to chill out and wake up?

You ask a direct question...Why is anyone paying attention to this flu/pneumonia compared to any other and without answering the question you go off on your ridiculous twisted inaccurate assumptive diatribe for which you should be ashamed of your ignorance rather than bragging your bravado

Why? 6 HOSPITAL WORKERS IN VIETNAM GOT SICK - 5 died. How often does that happen smart guy? Hospital workers in these cities DID NOT get sick AND die, 38 year old nurses RARELY drop dead from this year's flu/pneumonia, even in China where hospital cleanliness can be less than one might hope...its RARE, UNUSUAL, SCARY....get it?

Why? The Italian WHO doctor who was there then DIED....oh, just another flu eh?

Why? They just built a new hospital building in Beijing because the hospitals are overflowing with sick patients who need RESPIRATORS....same in Hong Kong...oh, yeah that was a problem with last year's flu, right?....they had to build a NEW freakin' hospital to house all the flu/pneumonia patients...

Why? A Finnish expat in Beijing DIED...oops...surprise...we are expats here in China...these kinds of occurrences...DEATHS are very RARE....we know what's going on in the expat community, we stay in touch with each other as a matter of our lifestyles abroad

Why? You want me to continue because I can to help you be OBJECTIVE which you desperately need if you have any interest in being a responsible leader.....regardless of the made or not, this is very REAL beyond, don't make me continue with objectives factual situations.....I'd rather you get off your high horses without any further us all a favor

...isolation tactics? bet...I hate to think where this scenario would be if they weren't employing severe isolation tactics....sometimes life is inconvenient as hell for lots of reasons we didn't ask for...

Chinamario, SHANGHAI


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