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rudenski Views: 1,940
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For ~S~...

Hi ~S~,

I don't know what led up to your being embraced by God's love,
so it would be difficult to say yes your experience was or no your experience was not a near death experience. But yes or no, I believe your experience was a profound experience and a gift of immeasureable worth. Embraced by God's love, surrounded by an infinite depth of unconditional love, it appears to me that you experienced the same God I experienced... but I also experienced a life review and a tunnel experience that is probably more typical of a NDE. That doesn't make your experience any less extraordinary or life changing though. My guess is that you and God arranged for that experienece before you were born; you were given the gift of knowing the true nature of God's love because of a special purpose that you contracted with creation to perform and so you must have needed to know the true nature of God's love to fulfill the plan you came to fulfill and learn the lessons you came into this world to learn. What your experience does not do is do all of your learning you came here to learn for you. You just have an advantage of knowing God's loving nature that others may have to learn in other ways but what you do with the advantage you have of knowing God's Love is clearly up to you.

The greatest problem I have had, after my NDE, is that I don't pay enough attention to taking care of physical needs and I am a kind of "do good" junkie. I spend most of my life trying to help others and I often don't help those who are closest to me the way they need to be helped with their material needs. I have lived on nothing much else but God's love for most of my life since my NDE and that often looked like abject poverty to the world. I am much more balanced now, after years of attempting to become more grounded, but even now I am still tempted to brush off all of my material needs and live on God's pennies from heaven and gifts again. God will let you do that but it sure makes life rocky for those you surround yourself with.

Other's don't know God the way you and I do and to them, our peculiar detachment from the material world may make us expect too much from people who don't know what we know about what is important to God? Other people play with darkness because they came here to learn those lessons and we should be okay with that for others to play out those dramas. Those dramas may look like death and dying but death & dying will die some day. Living an unconditional life and not expecting others to believe what you believe makes it much easier to handle life after knowing God's purpose for you and others. We may think our purpose after knowing God's love is to perform some kind of action but maybe our purpose is to just be a witness of God's love in this world. I can't seem to shut my mouth up about it... I can hardly enter a conversation without trying to express that love in my limited way.

One thing is certain...My NDE didn't stop my heart from being heart has been broken over and over...that is the nature of things that can be broken....but our souls are made of love & light and they will never be broken or destroyed. They can be shrouded in darkness for little while though...I sense that you feel disappointed that God allows darkness to rule the lives of people you love and you feel regret that God would allow sickness, dying, and death to occur in the world you have chosen to live in? I know, like you, that God is Love but knowing God's Love doesn't make others know that lesson before they are ready to learn that lesson. Some souls may learn the lessons they come here to learn by allowing darkness to rule their lives... Each of us is on our own journey....

All of us may allow dark and light spirits to attach themselves to our souls, while we live. Many or all of these dark and light spirits in our lives, we invited to be with us, as we travel through this life to learn the lessons those spirits could teach us... I believe I have the spirit of my Grandfather(Pa Paw) with me. I also allow other beings, including angelic beings, into my life. I once upon a time needed huge angels to protect me because I lived in fear of huge dark forces that were in my life... but the darkness that I fought has mostly retreated from my life... even now those powerful angels are quiet and I most often hear the voice of God in the quiet still voice that surrounds me when I take the time to stop & listen. Sometimes angels or God speaks in an audible voice one time when I was riding a motorcycle and a voice told me to change lanes...around the curve in the road was a post turned sideways.. It is nice to know that God still needed me and intervened...but God wants us to mostly learn our lessons without too much intervention...Other times I have experienced angelic beings as laughing joyful children dancing about me... There are many ways that God communicates with us... if only we would listen...To a rational or material person that might sound crazy but I believe that the substance of spirit is what is eternal and real, while the material world is a fading illusion.

I believe, if we limit what God's expression of love is to one experience... then we are limiting what God can be in our lives. God is so much more than an experience... God is our greatest expectation of love in every instance... When you experience now... as love...and have buried your past & fear for nothing in your future...then you have arrived in a good place...and a place where you can truly become the expression of love that you came here to become... Knowing that God is love right here and right now can help you with your life but if you want to play with fear and darkness then that is up to you... Fearing your past or being afraid of the future is a game I play from time to time as well... If you want to play with fear, knowing God is the opposite of fear...then that is okay too... but know you are doing it with your own know that God is love...
I sometimes do the same thing... but you know the truth....if you want to play with others in the darkness...know it is your choice...God's Love is as close as a prayer or as far away as fear... either way...know you are right where you chose to be....long before you were born... don't you remember?

still becoming...rudi


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