Hi Saint,
Your message prompted a few thoughts. First let me say I have never had and NDE, but would consider it very interesting to have. Secondly, that you cannot prove the existence of God, The One, Universal Mind, or whatever you may choose to call it. But, then, you can't prove that that entity doesn't exist. So, what I am presenting is of course, opinion, mine, and should be viewed in that way.
I tend to have a metaphysical bend of mind, I don't attend any church, but have visited all kinds of churches, synogogues,and places of worship, since I have interest in that area. I have also developed my own way of thinking about things, from my own experiences, thoughts, and integration of my thinking. For me they are right, for you..... that is up to you to decide.
The word belief means to accept without proof. So, there are many beliefs, very individual. Do I believe in an infinite being, intelligence, or God,... yes. Can I describe that entity,... no. I don't believe the human min, (at present) has the capacity to fully understand or concieve the extent of that entity. However, I do believe that we have the ability innately to do so. The level of extending ourunderstanding is dependent upon our current level of knowledge and understanding. By that I mean one needs a base of knowledge, experience references in order to understand things of a different or higher level. For example you can sit down and try to discuss differential and integral calculus, or quantum theory with a 6 month old baby. You are not going to get very much response from the baby, because the baby does not as yet have certain skills, understandings, and foundation for understanding. However, the baby does have the innate 'ability' to do so, but as yet it is undeveloped. It is my thinking that we, and of course I mean the most intelligent of us, are as yet babies, in terms of what there is to learn and know.
I am a believer in reincarnation. I believe we have lived before, and have 'come in the flesh' again. I also believe there is a purpose to incarnating, which is relative to what each of us has the right to become. I believe we each are responsible for who we are and what we become. I also believe that we are much more than this physical envleope we now reside in. Can I prove this? Of course not, it is all opinion, my opinion. Should you believe it, of course not. You are fully responible for what you accept, believe, and act on.
However, in my life time I have has some experiences which I cannot, in anyway verify to anyone. For for example, are there such things as ghosts, spirits, entities? I've never seen one. However, I have seemingly talked to some through a person who claimed to be a 'medium'. Now, why do I bring this up? The reason is that on those occasions there were disturbances in the surroundings of the people who were present, in houses and places. And when I did what I did, the disturbances were no longer present, and the people who inhabited these homes and places were no longer bothered by any disturbance and could go along more freely in their lives. So, I have direct experience in the removal of what you might call ghosts. How do I know it worked? Well, of myself I saw nothing. I did what I was internally led to do. And after haveing done that, there were no more disturbances, from direct feedback from the persons involved. I have done so with the aid of my High Self Council and my guides. I don't actually go looking for these situations, they seem to come my way from time to time.
So, yes, I do believe in the spiritual, the unseen aspect of each one of us. One of my beliefs, another one I cannot prove, or disprove, is that we all were meant to be full and equal compaion to the creative forces, or God, or however you wish to call it. We each have a spiritual inheritance, an innate aspect of our being, that is far beyond what we normally consider ourselves to be. It is within, it is hidden, it is individual, and it is for each to find in their own way. It is for each to accept or deny, with the resulting responibility for that acceptance or denial. Each has their own path to travel, and no one can walk it for them. It is a path of learning of who we truly are. If you choose to think about that, you will see the enormity of it. A companion is one who is on the same level, otherwise they are not true companions.
I could say more, but I think I will leave it where it is, for now. I have had other experiences along this line which have led me to think and interpret certain things for myself. You must think and interpret for yourselves. I hope in some way this aids you in reflecting upon who and what you are.
Love in the Spirit