The nightmare is over
Hi All,
I did it today, I finally told my husband how much life was hard for me because I had bad breath. He said: Why don't you just chew gum?
I said: I do but it won't go never.
-Oh! I never noticed you had bad breath, he replied.
-Are you kidding me?
- No.
I started crying. I couldn't believe it. I knocked at a friend's house, she's a doctor and I was convinced she had been aware of my bad breath for a long time. I asked for a second opinion. She said she couldn't smell anything today and that she had never smelled anything before.
- But I can smell your BO, though.
- That's it! I said. I'm on to a new nightmare!
How can I not have bad breath and be obsessed with the sour acid metallic taste I have in my mouth CONTINUALLY?
I tell you my story because it might be your situation too.
Too shy, embarrassed to ask someone. Too affraid of the answer and yet living as it's the reality.
My husband and friend have both recommended I go see a psychiatrist. I will.
I am really concerned that my mind has played such a trick on me for FIVE years.
I considered suicide today.
For those of you who have been diagnosed with chronic halitosis, I pray for you, I love you and I respect you. You are my friends. I have shared this problem with you for five years (and i don't consider myself cured since I still feel this bad taste in my mouth and have low saliva flow).
I tried yogourt today with 6 different kinds of live culture:
L. ACIDOPHILUS, BIFIDUS, L. CASEI, AND L. REUTERI, L. Bulgaricus, S. Thermophilus.
The brand is Stonyfield Farm.***script:void(0)
S.Thermophilus is very similar to S.Salivarius.
It might help for you to use this yogourt on a daily basis to save your tongue from been colonised by anaerobic gram- bacterias. With Therabreath, i always had the feeling that my mouth was empty. Here's what a Japenese study reveals:
Those of you who can't eat dairy can go for UDO's choice oral Health probiotics, I have never tried them, though. Don't be fooled, though. They say it contains L.Salivarius (and not S.salivarius).
My adventure in halitosis has shown me to take better care of my body, forced me to go back to meditation and made me discover a bunch of touching and supportive people.
I'll keep in the BO posts this time!!