stinky armpit!!!
Hi..this is my first time to message ur site. I have been scanning through lately and I must say that they really are helpful. But im not surre if they really relate to me since I don’t smoke, drink and all those stuffs. i am 15yrs. old, female, slim, 5'5. I eat fruits and veggies at least twice a week. Have no habits, takes a bath 2x a day, but still I suffer from BAD
Body Odor . Oh yeah, and my country is naturally hot so you can say I get a sauna daily and pretty much stink when I do. I’ve tried many items but they just done seem to work.
I’ve tried
chlorophyll tablets / liquid
benzoyl peroxide
70% alcohol
topical antibacterial creams
vinegar…but not apple cider vinegarI am yet to try this
well, they are usually applied except for the first two…anyway, so from the list above, one can pretty much say that my
Body Odor is not internal or due to my diet…well, also considering that im still young. I think I need something that kills the bacteria or GERMS and prevents them from coming back. Please do help me, I really don’t wanna live the rest of my life walking as a STINKY SKUNK! Help!