My bad breath theory. READ THIS! Part 1(long post)
Im just like all of u in constant search of the 'cure' and everyday thinking why me why me?!
And even worse is that so many people just want to make money on our poor souls.
This is what i read and figured out myself. People who I'm targeting will recognize themselves in my words. Chronic bad breath that u and me have is NOT sinuses related/caused, NOT food caused, NOT poor oral hygiene related/caused.
Post nasal drip definately IS related! I found that for sure after using Dentyl mouthwash that can be bought in Boots/Tesco or similar for 6 euro. Because after gargling alot with it and spitting out (and repeating it for 2-3 times), the region from nasal cavity to throat clears and my bad breath reduces. Of course only for about 20 mins or less. Why? because we have constant post nasal drip.
Post nasal drip by itself is not the source cause.
Something is causing post nasal drip and i found it to be food related (word is intolerances). I read alot about candida diet and my belief is our bad breath is Candida Albicans related! Candida is huge area to read about and I suggest people with bad breath to read it. Again, i wouldnt say candida is the source cause - something must have allowed candida to spread. Now this part i havent figured out yet completely and currently im supporting idea that
Amalgam from teeth fillings has during our lives caused reduction/wear of our immune system which caused candida to proliferate in our intestines. After few years (and it can only get worse) candida screws up our intestines causing Gut Permeability Sindrome.
Because of increased gut permeability, food that was not completely digested enters our blood - since those particles are not completely broken down our blood cells treat them as foreign objects and attack them - which triggers autoimmune reaction (intolerance - which is mild version of allergy).
Exactly this, IN MY OPINION (remember those are all just my opinions), is THE CAUSE of our post nasal drip. I know this for a fact cause after eating (specially sugary and carbohydrate rich food) my nose starts running and more mucous is produced.
I know for a fact that i had bad breath since 8-9 years old. I have to check with my parents if i had it before that but because i never talked to them about this its kind of not so easy to ask.
I also have this red patches on my skin that appear after running/sweating, taking a shower or swimming in the sea. And it kind of itches too. After 20-30 mins red patches disappear. My dermatologist said i was allergic to water (DOH!) and that i should take some pills everytime before taking a shower and it wont appear. (Yeah right - im not gonna drug myself to get rid of some red patches just because trained dermatologist doesnt know what is wrong with me). Im mentioning this cause i think in my case its also candida related. Candida is fungi and we all know how mushrooms grow after it rained. I think water from sweat/shower/sea is triggering candida in my skin.
There is one not secure (but very interesting) test i read on net for candida. Early in the morning when you wake up you spit in a glass of water and watch what happens to ur spit. If it stays on the surface, condensed, without spreading it would appear u dont have candida proliferation in ur mouth. (Remember we all have candida in our bodies and in our mouth but it should be under control of our immune system and other beneficial bacteria/flora). If the spit starts spreading, or if some strings start to appear towards the bottom of the glass, or/and if water gets cloudy it would appear u do have candida problem!
Bad taste in my mouth is also related to my bad breath. The stronger the bad taste the stronger the bad breath i have. When i have no bad taste at all (for exmpl after running for 30-40 mins and not eating sugary foods but later about that) i know that my bad breath is lowered - i can never be sure that i completely dont have bad breath so that i could kiss someone.
End of part 1.