Re: Funky and Frustrated!
What's up deing2live,
I just wanted to let you know your story is very inspiring for me because I was in college and worked for a bank for several years and I had to put it all aside because of this condition. It is good to see that you are optimistic and it's inevitable that you acquire a great deal of perseverance. I try to stay strong and not worry about what people say, but it always breaks me down mentally. Inspite of everything that has happened to me from being isolated from the real world, and not having any friends, or a girlfried, I still have a positive outlook and I am adamantly sure I will walk away from this disease and fulfill all of my goals I once and still aspire to accomplish. Nevertheless, this position I'm in is indefinite as it stands as far as finding an adequate cure, however I have decided to try and take control of my life again. I am so happy that I have a strong support allie and I am taking the initiative of going to truck driving school to become a professional driver. Although, it isn't an ideal career for me because I'm the business tycoon type of guy working for a large corp. of some sort. But, I'm just living in the moment and trying to do what is best for me now. I've lost my crib, forced to drop out of college, withdrawed from all my friend (in addition not even being able to logically justify why!) Man good luck to you and your future endeavors and wish you all the luck finding that right woman, because man I feel the same way, I want a girl to love but, it's obvious no woman wants a man who smells like feces. I don't even try anymore because the first thing women and me do is associate the smell with homosexuality which is not the case. You've definitely inspired me to keep thriving toward my goals. It would be cool man if we could keep in touch by email or by phone to see if we can try and find a cure and hell if you're in the Georgia area man we can hook up and go out and have drinks or something. You can email me at or call me anytime at 404-659-2885, and also for anyone else out there who wants someone positive to talk to give me a call or email me, I have unlimited long distance so if you can't call me just email me with you telephone number and we can correspond with one another, and especially if you're in the Atlanta or sorrounding area. Before I go it sucks so much that I dress nice, a hygenic, very attractive, and I smell like a f**king lagoon. But I believe in God and he is still blessing me inspite of everything that has happened to me. I know after reading the sentence prior to the last really don't coincide with one another but I'm just keeping it real. Hope to hear from you soon, and again good luck buddy!