Funky and Frustrated!
Dear All
First I thank you all for sharing your stories on the site. Although I knew I was not alone in my stinky state, I did not think many people had this problem. I have SUFFERED with
Body Odor for 20 years. The problem has been off and on, more on than off. It totally baffles me. I am super clean with my body and I still stink. This has caused tremendous embarrassment and ulitmate humiliation. I have overheard people say "she stinks" or "she smells" and it simply breaks my heart.
Over the years I have been strong through a lot of prayer and fasting, but I'm tired. I have lived a very isolated life and am very lonely because of this. I don't even visit my family...they also know of my problem. It seems as though it is a curse of some sort because it hurts so bad knowing I have life inside me and there exists an unseen bondage that prevents me from living it.
Sometimes I wish I could unzip myself out of this stinky smelly body. I feel like the real me is locked away inside, but can't seem to find a way out.
Thanks for listening.