Hey gettingthere,
I really appreciate your advice and the fact your trying to help us. First off what your saying is very believable. About 2 months ago doc said I should try Lactaid, which is a supplement for people that are Lactose Intolerate. She said this because I told her about how I reacted to milk and other diary products very badly, and the fact nothing else worked for me. My mother also has problems when she eats products like ice cream and such but does not have my current problems. I'd also like to say I never smoked anything in my life and I only drink socially. I basically took diary produicts out my life and I never noticed that juices and pop have things like fructose in it. Well thanks a lot and right now im off to the drug store to get some Lactaid. I was wondering what you took to beat your problem?
Thanks, Ozzy