You gotta love England, especially you Super
Funny you ask, casue I just wanted to start a post asking what kind of powers you posess.
I think it's hilarious that you even try to comment on other's nicks.
Anyways I'll educate you, feble minded individual. Atalanta is from Greek mythology. The goddess of hunt, race of the golden apples, care to know more, look it up. But I think you don't know how to do that if it's not spoon fed to you by conservative run television.
Answer me this: How do cameras literary controle people. Sure they can be watched, which they aren't just if somehing happens then the can go back and look at their tapes. How do u think they caught the bombers from the subway? camera! But the cameras don't give or take away jobs tell you what to eat, or when to take a shit. u make no sense.
Anyway, It's very hipocritical of you to defend illegal spying, but rag on legal spying. They are just trying to protect England, kinda like Bush is trying to "protect" the US and sudenly you hate it, when before you couldn't stop praising it.