Blue Stone
Behind the phony devisive left/right trolling tactics is the real truth. The global elite controls both sides of the coin. Either you already know that and are aimlessly trying to divert attention away from real issues, or you don't yet know it and someday will figure it out. If you begin to look deeper and wider and have the ability to synthesize the info.
What this shows is that the same police state is being implemented around the world. Who is the common denominatior? Follow the money!!!
OBTW, the same cameras are slowly being introduced in your homeland along with a nice tracking grid utilizing the veri chip just to mention but a couple of measures being installed as the police state contiues setting up shop. So you see it doesn't matter about illusionary left/ right theatre.
BTW, the "you lefties" thing is getting real old when most people here have stated over and over again that they aren't left nor right. Yet you cling to this ad hominem attack. WHY?
Let me say that again in hopes that it finds it's target.
Many have said that they aren't left or right here in this forum because they, like I, have studied politics/economics beyond the mainstream propoganda pipeline and have seen the obvious. Left/right are feeding out of the same trough.
New World Order mean anything to you?
Oh and before you dismiss it, it has been mentioned by Bush senior as well as many other politicians and globalists on many occasions.