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You gotta love England
superhero Views: 1,225
Published: 20 y

You gotta love England

With all you guys screaming about Geroge Bush wire-tapping terrorists, you need to hear about your left-wing buddies over in Communist England. Get a load of this.

Starting in 2006 they will be installing THOUSANDS of video cameras on roads all over the county. This will allow them to track EVERY vehicle's movement. These special cameras will not only detect license plate numbers, but will record everyone's speed and driving patterns in a huge computer database...which will be kept on file for 2 years! Of course this is under the guise of law enforcement and anti-terrorism....but you know how it is once the government gets their foot in the door of something like this. Soon they'll start fining people for this, that or the other. Also, I'm sure with a small payment, others (lawyers) will be able to access these records for their own use.

All you communist's time to stand up and rejoice! You gotta love this! And you can be assured it's coming to America (probably New York first)....and Big Brother is about to know about/control your every dang move....count on it.


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