Re: Vaccines and immune suppression
The fact of the matter is that Polio is a virus that is still present in developing countries, however most people become immune by coming into contact with the virus as infants. However, polio is not the disease that we in north america think it is. Paralytic polio only occurrs in about 1% of polio cases. The great majority of cases are minor illness and can be misdiagnosed as a cold or flu. We are at a greater risk of contracting the disease in north america by getting the Vaccine which is administered as a Live Virus, Or contracting it from a child that has just been vaccinated in the past few days as the virus enters the body through nose and mouth. Or from someone who was travelling overseas. The wild virus does not exist in north america.
The outbreak you were talking about was in 1991 in Peru
With regard to autism, I want to cite a study that was done in 2001 that tested 503 autistic children for defects in 'metal Metabolism' or the hypersensitivity to toxic substances like Murcury. Of those patients 499 tested positive for the defect.
Coincidence? I think not.
So if we can assume that certain humans are overly sensitive to Murcury which causes neural defect (autism)...and we have a test to determine this sensitivity, then why have our governments not instituted manditory testing of our children prior to starting a
vaccination schedule? Because our Vaccine manufacturers would be accountable for all those children (1 in every 166 to be specific of current autism rates) who get autism after vaccination. And they would be accountable for all cases of autism dating back to 1998 when the FDA banned the use of Murcury in All Drugs because of its neurotoxicity and lack of safety.
So our next question is Why many vaccines still contain murcury if the substance has been banned for the past 8 years? HMMMMMM....
Vaccine manufacturers do not make it their priority to find out whether their products do in fact cause the suggested side effects. Yet we parents are supposed to give our so called Informed consent to have our children vaccinated. How can we protect our children when our government does not consider it an issue to be looked into.
When in Japan a study was done that showed that short term side effects of
vaccinations decreased by 85 - 90% if a child is not vaccinated until after the age of 2, the Japanese government changed their
vaccination policy so that childhood
vaccination started at the age of 2.
In the US when faced with such findings the government passes legislation that protects vaccine manufacturers from being charged in lawsuits. Go figure.
Congratulations your child is ok, My girlfriend's sister was not so lucky with her son. I am thankful that we all have a choice.