Re: Vaccines and immune suppression
Hi rwardin1!
That's great your daughter is so healthy. And I think it's great you breastfed her for so long. I'm sure that helped her tremendously.
I know that most kids don't experience severe reactions to vaccines, at least outwardly, but I still err on the side of extreme caution. There are so many factors involved, not to mention individuality and environmental and social exposures. I just don't agree with the one size fits all program or "herd" immunity. And I also don't believe we have all the facts. There will always be other research out there that contradicts the previous. Whether they are accurate and truthful is hard to say. Typically the studies that favor
vaccination are conducted by government agencies or the drug manufacturers themselves. Personally I don't trust those studies; too many conflicts of interest. And honestly if we think about it, there really is no way to accurately study the effects of vaccines because we are not all the same. That's why some kids seem ok and others are not. I think our approach to protecting our children's health needs to be dramatically changed. All we keep doing is adding more and more vaccines. When is it going to stop. Just in the last 4 months that I've been researching at least 2 more vaccines got added to the schedule, Hepatitis A and now a "new and improved" rotavirus vaccine. Our kids are still sick but with entirely different diseases, autoimmune diseases, behavioral problems, etc, which in my opinion is worse than most of the childhood diseases we vaccinate for. I do think that the idea of vaccines is well intentioned but it's gotten out of hand.
To be fair, I really can't say that vaccines haven't done us "some" good, but again we are just now learning about the effects they are having. Plus it's been said that diseases were in dramatic decline BEFORE vaccines ever came into the picture, with improved living conditons and sanitation playing a huge role. In my opinion, we just don't know enough yet to be blindly injecting our babies with all of these substances.
(I hope my post isn't offensive to you because I don't mean it to be) :)