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Re: Vaccines and immune suppression
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Re: Vaccines and immune suppression


I have been researching vaccines for about 2 years now. It's been a personal home study as of to whether vaccines are safe or not. I've read articles and documents from both sides of the debate. I have concluded for myself and my family to not receive any further vaccinations. Currently, I am pregnant and I do not wish for my baby to be vaccinated at all. If I should change my mind in the future (which I really don't forsee), I definitly would not give any shots till after he is 12 mos old. Babies are not born with a devolped immune system. I do not like the idea of jabbing him full of diseased material even at this young stage. Babies devolope the immune system best through the breastmilk of the mother. I have an excellent book I loaned from the library called "The Vaccine Guide : Risks and Benefits for Children and Adults" by Randall Neustaedeter OMD. This is a VERY excellent source of any info you would be needing about vaccines. It presents both sides and allows you to decide. Also the following links are very helpful. Dr Schultz says that vaccines are harvested from the bodies of animals-from pig intestines, horse bellies, or even from the man down the street at the blood bank who is doing drugs. I haven't read anything further on those statements, but one does need to wonder where would they get the "dead diseases" from. And about the autism, it is a fact that there was never a case of autism before the MMR vaccination. The problem with MMR and a few other vaccines is the mercury in them. The doctors try to tell us that thermisol is harmless to the body, but there are many results that we can observe to contridict that statement. It is just about as bad as placing mercury, amaglam, fillings in the mouth. Mercury in the body will mainly lead to neurological problems either now or in the future. Immunization Ploys Are Parents Being Manipulated?


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