Re: Laying it on a bit thick, are we....
Right now it is important to get Bush re-elected so that he can finish the job.
...and that would be to finish the job of destroying liberty in America?
Or getting hundreds and possibly thousands more American troops killed in a sham war?
Or lining the pockets of his corporate buddies? Perhaps the finish the job of bankrupting America?
Bush can't finish the job of winning the 'war on terror'. It's unwinable. As I (and others) have said before, you can't win a war against an abstract noun. Of course, when the Bush regime's political opponents and dissedents in the US become too troublesome they can always be designated terrorists and locked up. That is another law that Ashcroft is working on ramming through right now.
I am amazed that people in this country will so completely and easily sell out their liberty for the illusion of security. It appears that most Americans have grown soft, fat, lazy and complacent.
I believe it was Franklin that said 'you get the government you deserve'
I feel sorry for America.