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What I consider an "emergency impaction" HELP!
unyquity Views: 5,340
Published: 20 y

What I consider an "emergency impaction" HELP!

Greetings all...

Last night my mom asked me if I could phone one of her dearest friends, as she's desperate for help and doesn't know what to do. She's in her late 60's and has a strong family history of colon disorders (prolapse, IBS, diverticulitis, major constipation, etc). She herself has had major problems all of her life with the same

Currently, she hasn't had a BM in over 2 weeks (which is bad enough), but the thing that really has me concerned is that in the last month she states she has lost sensation in her lower gut. She no longer feels any kind of pain, sensitiveness or lower pressure when trying to evacuate...and she's scared out of her wits!

So, she goes to her GP (whom in the past has given her: Correctal, Metamucial, Zlycolax, Miralax, Lactulose, Magnesium Citrate, Fleet enemas...and on her own she's tried several wimpy/grocery store herbal products and stool softeners)...all with no lasting results, of course...her bowel is extremely sick & toxic. Her GP recommends a specialist, but the specialist can't see her until September 21 (which I feel is a good thing, because there's no doubt in my mind he'll recommend surgery of one kind or another).

So, after talking to her last night, I repeatedly assured her it was possible to heal this problem (most likely before her appointment with the specialist), as this woman desperately needs someone to calm her down and guide her (don't we all in a crisis :). I advised her: stop taking any fiber products and start doing a warm water enema three times daily (with light epsom salts). I gave her the procedure for laying on her left side, letting some fluid in, massaging her colon...then repeating on her back, then right side, etc. in the hopes that she could get a bit of fluid in there, soften the apparent impaction and start getting it out little by little (while hoping that the epsom salts would increase the peristalsis, which obviously seems to be 'dead' in her case). At this point she reports being able to insert an enema tube not more than one inch :( Today I am mailing her hundreds of pages of information I have printed off, as well as bottle of Dr. Schulzes IF #1. She doesn't have a computer/internet; lives four hours from me, and is, of course, having a very difficult time understanding all this.

This woman is one huge ball of emotional repression, fear, stress, tension and seriously lack of self-esteem...not to mention all kinds of symptoms of toxicity: severe depression; arthritis, has lost vision in one eye almost completely-losing it in the other; hearing aids, aches & pains and symptoms too numerous to mention. When I suggested the warm water enemas/procedure, after asking if I thought it would really help, she said, "of course, I'll have to make sure my husband will let me do this". Obviously (again) something along the lines of EFT would benefit her enormously...but she's so bound in extreme religion that she'd consider that to be 'satanic'. Sigh

After checking the 'net for "fecal impaction", I find there's those that advise inserting an anal speculum then trying to manipulate/dissect the impacted fecal matter; others recommend simply inserting a finger or two in an attempt to "break up" the main clog. She already reports "trying to dig it out" with her finger. And while that seems like a fairly good idea to me, I know that rectal/colon tissues are extremely sensitive, and unless she finds a seriously credentialed/experienced professional in colon care, I don't think I'll mention that (at least until I hear back from all of you :)

I am searching desperately for any type of reputable colonic therapist or similar person in her area (Springfield, IL), but I'm comin' up with nothing :(

SO, is there ANYTHING ELSE anybody knows of to relieve a situtation that's this extreme? Today she'll be starting enemas with massage to soften from the 'bottomside', and tomorrow the IF #1 to soften from the 'topside'.

Of course, today is one of my busiest days workwise, so I'll only be checking in sporadically :( But I will be checking in everytime I get a chance, whether you see me post-a-note or not :)

Thank you all SO much for whatever sound knowledge you can offer; I really appreciate it!




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