Re: Herb formula for menopause
He must have read my mind, my b-friend just called me back about the herbal product his sister is taking that totally got rid of her hot flashes and related symptoms of early menopause. She was really miserable and tried everything under the sun before this. It's a little obscure - the company name is Bezwecken (I think it's German), and the product is called "Phytob." It has a bunch of different herbs, many of them he did not recognize, but there is Diascoria (sp.?) - which is wild yam, and one other herb that sounded like it might have hormonal properties. I guess they are very small pellets and you take them sublingually. She gets it through a naturopath or chiropractor - it's probbly a product that you can only get through a health practitioner, but if you don't have someone that can order it for you, I might be able to get you a bottle to try. Everyone is different, obviously, and it may or may not work for you, but I would think it's worth investigating under the circumstances! I am not looking forward to menopause, that's for sure...
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