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Re: Clark's liver tea

Epsom Salt Capsules
Hulda Clark Liver Cleanse

Anja Views: 1,650
Published: 22 y
This is a reply to # 542,155

Re: Clark's liver tea

Thanks for the info! I will have to give that a try. I've looked at the various Essiac brands and taken a few, myself, but they are so expensive. I actually ordered the herbs to make my own from a company I have a distributorship with, but they are still sitting in the cupboard only because there's a little more effort involved in boiling, re-boiling, sterilizing the bottles first, etc. I'm just that busy...

As for the menopause question - it must have been someone else who posted a link for you. I mentioned I was going to ask my boyfriend to ask his sister what she takes that has helped her tremendously. I did call him about it, but he must have forgotten, and I forgot to ask him about it last night. I'll remind him and hopefully we can get an answer for you soon.


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