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I am sorry you are in pain...
Southern Belle Views: 1,207
Published: 22 y
This is a reply to # 541,905

I am sorry you are in pain...

Good Morning CFox!

I believe that you will be better!

A Liver Flush certainly would not hurt you. Go for it! But, don't expect miracles with just one. It takes many!

My question is-----If you have Clarkia , why haven't you used it? It can't help you if it stays on the shelf.

Also, you use your zapper fairly regularly? Why not daily? It sounds like your sweet body needs a lot of zapping. Ha

Also, don't forget the colon cleanse!!

If you haven't already ordered Dr. Schulze 's free catalog, call 1-800-herb-doc and have one sent to you. In that book, he explains so much about having better health!



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