My parents did not talk to me about sex. I am the mother of 6. I never talked about it to the older ones. My oldest is 22 and has expressed that she would have liked to hear it from me.
About self-gratification - I never realized I could do this to myself until I was 22, so a talk at age ten or younger would have probably been hard for me to understand.
Last year I found my 12 year old looking at p 0 r n o g r a p h y on the internet. Besides totally freaking me out, this made me realize that I better get prepared and talk to my younger ones. I don't know why I find it so hard when I know it is the right thing to do.
My eight year old asked me last week how is it possible that she looks only like her dad when she came out of me. That was a perfect opportunity for me, but I just did not know what to say.