21 y
Re: Having feelings for the same sex.
Hi #24399.
Before anything else I'd like to say that I'm not a religious; however my point's still valid.
I think you need to ask yourself why God would give you the nature you have if He didn't intend for you to adhere to it. Last time I checked God didn't make mistakes; and following that logic means that you are meant to feel the way you feel.
I firmly believe that each person must come to find their own truths in the teachings or religion they follow. For example, and I don't wish to offend any readers, but the bible is not a word for word account handed down to mankind from God. It was originally written by a man (or men), has been translated between dozens of languages (many no longer in use), and has had several 'updates' over the course of time to merge with the goals of the rulers of the period. It is by no means an original and unbiased 'document'. Ever played 'chinese whispers'? How did your original message turn out? Not good I bet!
Of course, many of the overriding *principals* ring true in the minds of all people. Messages promoting peace and tolerance towards others to name a few.
However, balance this against the statement that 'man should not lay down with man' - a message that runs contrary to the peace/tolerance message used throughout the texts. You have to wonder whether this really is part of the original message from God; or whether it's an addition made by man at a later date.
Ask yourself: why would God give out such a negative, intolerant message. You may find that God didn't give it out at all.
Find your own truths. Find the overriding *principals* of your beliefs.
(You may also want to seek communication specifically with lesbian groups over the Internet; I'm sure this topic will not be new to them. Listen to their opinions, and how they have come to accept themselves whilst still relating to God.)