Let's try something here for a minute...
How do you know it is wrong? Because somebody said so? That doesn't seem like a very good reason, does it? Yet, boiled down to it's essence, that's all it is... even if they have a title in front of their name or a fancy brass plaque on their building. And it's the position held by the majority of people. Does that mean it's right?
Do you believe you are terrible? Flawed? Beneath contempt? Any God, (or bishop, pastor or whatever for that matter) that would purvey that kind of message is no God of mine. I "believed" crap like that for years. Until I discovered it wasn't so. It's a method of guilt and control, wrapped up in a "nice looking" socially correct or politically correct package.
If you are having these feelings, then you are having them. The only thing to decide, is if this is wrong or right. Either you are: 1)a rotten, evil, despicable filthy piece of crap... or you are 2)just a normal human being, having normal human thoughts and feelings, and thats okay.
Quiz time! Which of the two above messages sounds like it's coming from God?
If God is love... well you figure it out. Remember, Jesus was (basically) cussing people out all the time because they just didn't "get it", including the leaders, experts, and most of his own followers of the time. Things haven't changed. :)
A religion that refers to it's people as "sheep" (just about the dumbest animal on earth) who "need" to be "led" doesn't think very much of its people. How could it? It doesn't even have any respect for them. Of course, for those who do not want to think, this is wonderful news! "Just tell me what to do/think/see/say, because I just don't wanna think for myself. That would require thinking, reading, studying, researching, evaluating and OH MY GOD THINKING FOR MYSELF!"
If I got out a ladder and climbed up on a three story building, and jumped off the roof... would you follow me? Use your head, that's what it's for. It's NOT just a hat-rack, anymore! :)
Its' a lot like the childish "hero worship" that people have. It's really just a hiding place because people are afraid to be what they could become, so they live their live vicariously thru some "hero" figure, be it church, political leader, superman, football star or whatever. A lot of us do it, but it's not really psychologically healthy, it limits us and narrows our mind and possibilities. It's the path of the majority. Easy. No work. No thinking required. Just ask us and we will tell you what to do for every little thing in your life.
Occasionally, one of the sheep in the pen starts thinking. Starts seeing that this sheep pen doesn't hold all the correct answers. This is the pastor's nightmare, I suppose, and I know from experience it's no "piece of cake" for the person, either. But I think that's where God wants us. Faith is good, but faith in what? Guilt and control? That isn't coming from God. That's coming from men who want to control other men, "wrapped up in a pretty looking package." That's all.
How about faith in yourself, and your better thinking (or higher self), instead? It'a what Jesus did, and told others to do. He didn't say it was easy. :)