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This is a reply to # 532,014 is a lot more about sex, love, women, men, traditions, hidden hurts and more help.

Hi ..

It's me again.

Sex twice in two days? Far from making fun of you, one can see the envy dripping off the screen.

Try Zero times in three and a half years..

On second thought, DON'T try it.

I gave you experienced advice in earlier posts. Do THAT and work on the blood volume and circulation exactly as I outlined, leaving out nothing, and you will improve your circulation many times over and thereby will improve your situation.

I still remind you to check with a doctor, but don't necessarily take their word if you ask about the alternatives that were outlined for you, for they know little to nothing in this area.

But you should have some blood and iron tests, AND do the underarm temperature test for low thyroid also.

The steady use of Cayenne and the other things that I wrote to you will put you on track for much better health.

You also need to determine if you have some hyper serious "guilt" connected with having sex feel good to you, for you would not be the millionth woman to have childhood trauma from such damaging parental or peer input.

I was single in my thirties for a long time, and met many wonderful women who had a bad history with husbands, etc and were divorced (or widowed in some cases).

I was astonished way back then, BEFORE I entered the alternative cancer world of information and products, to find HOW LITTLE THE AVERAGE WOMEN KNEW ABOUT THEIR OWN BODY AND IT'S WORKINGS.

This is something I had studied for a long time so that I could be the best possible guy for a nice woman, who could at last relax and know that I had no secret power agenda, no selfish "get mine" attitude, and rather than a secret animosity toward women, that macho types hide long enough to "get theirs" at the expense of ANY woman, I sought only to fullfil their capacity first.

Many, many women, married, kids, divorced, thirty to forty years old, refered to themselves as "down there".

And many of them, some could have been movie stars (looks wise) had such things as this pounded in their heads.

"Women are just cursed. When you marry, you are expected to have a man enter you in order to have kids and for HIM to have his pleasure. As a woman, you must just endure it, for there is no pleasure , or very little, for you. It's a man's world, so just grit your teeth"..

I kid you not.

Here's another sicko thing, and boy, when I got this nice lady to let this surface and then cry it out while I held her for hours, she was able to break the idea that she was "just a woman and cursed with "the curse" and would be "used" by men.

This was a very intelligent woman, but who was divorced and had not been "with a man" for ten years.

When she came screaming in to the house the first time she started a period at age 14, her "old country" mother and grandmother , each took turns SLAPPING HER FACE !!!

And with the slap came the words: "Now you know the curse of being a woman!!"

And this wonderful woman was ten years older than me at the time, so between having to deal with her large bust and the resultant rotten remarks and the insane jealousy of her high school girl friends (duh?) , this otherwise intelligent and nice woman had all of these hangups.

And had never O'd either.

She was able to O the very first time I stayed with her, and she was 44 years old.

You can well imagine the stories I have heard, the buckets of tears shed by nice women who finally found a friend, a man, yes, but one who knew their needs and hurts and was totally given to help them escape those hidden terrors.

Can you imagine when you (women) had your first period..sometimes like Carrie in the movie.....running to mom and grandma and being slapped silly by them, while you were standing there bleeding and scared??

That shock goes right to the soul and festers and causes all manner of failure with sex and marriage AND self esteem, which is the root of it all.

It was /is the custom in many Middle Eastern and Eastern European countries.

And to see these women transformed into being able to LOVE their "down there's" instead of harboring secret shames, was a joy into itself..

No, Sugarlilly, no one is making fun, and if they were, you would soon see people like me defending you to the max, for that is not the stated purpose of this forum.

I lurked around these pages for a while to make sure that I was not entering some front for a sex site, or whatever.

Far from it. Outside of an occasional a jerk who posted to me a few days ago....there are fine people here.

I have posted hundreds of thousands of words on two forums on which I "hung out" (bad English, but forgive please).

Each of them attracted the nicest and kindest people you could imagine, for we allowed no rotten fink to enter or hurt anyone's feelings, or the like.

We have been together for six years now, and the valuable information that has been published there is staggering.

In my earlier life as a trained debater against communists and the like, I learned to background answers instead of just a flippant sentence or two. So I write long posts...often spending two or three hours to get them "just right" in my mind.

Some read them all, others who are challenged by the lack of an attention span, or basic education, do not, for theirs is a world of sound bites and the lies on the ten o'clock news.

I cannot control what people do with what I write, but I CAN do the best that is possible for me in order to help others.


Farm Boy


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