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Re: Some reasonable advice...
sugarlily Views: 2,458
Published: 21 y
This is a reply to # 532,018

Re: Some reasonable advice...

1. Start adding cayenne pepper to your diet. Start small, either with 10 or so drops of THE HOTTEST you can find (tincture form) in a little water, and add each two or three days until you are taking a half teaspoon (powder) or five or more droppersful of a HOT tincture.

This will do wonders for your overall health over time, for there is no finer way to begin to improve circulation. And improved circulation means improved health.
YOU SHOULD TRIPLE CHECK WITH A DOCTOR ALSO, paying attention to iron and blood volume.
Should this happen again, just be certain that you have some cayenne tincture next to the KY and immediately squirt a half eyedropper or so directly under the tongue.

(Don't grab the cayenne in place of the KY...)

This will reach your brain in two seconds or so.

2..Buy a mini trampoline and start very slight bounces on it for twenty minutes or so, gradually over time working up to serious bouncing. This will also increase circulation , BUT it's main feature is the clearing of your lymph system to remove toxic stuff and pave the way for a cleaner and more "circulated" system of blood flow and lymph flow throughout your entire body.

3. Check with a good chiropractor to be certain that your Atlas or part of your cervical vertebrae are not misaligned. Same with between your shoulder blades.

4. If it persists, and probably won't .....oh wait.

Hot /Cold showers are a must to bring up the BP and circulation.

Step one: Shower as hot as you can take it, followed by as cold as you can take it. It's OK to chicken out for the first week and (especially this time of year) not go to total cold, but just keep working at it and soon you will look forward to it.


Do this seven times, ending on cold..UNLESS you do this close to bedtime, in which case you would end on hot, but stay and cool that down to tepid for a few minutes.

Hope this helps. I know it will, cause I've been around alternative healing for thirty years, but you have to WANT to do this, for it does take discipline.

Oh yes, wash hands after the cayenne, for the last thing you want to do is insert a diaphram with cayenne hands.

Although a couple of drops in some olive oil will warm you both inside..........




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